Founder and Lead Pastor of Chapel of Change Christian Fellowship - one of the fastest-growing churches in the nation.
Brian was sucked into the gang violence of Los Angeles in early 1990. His oldest brother was shot dead. At 12, Brian joined a gang. At 14, Brian was gunned down by a rival gang. At 16, Brian was arrested for murder and sentenced to in prison.
He was crushed by hopelessness until one day he surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ. After 16 years in the darkness of prison, God
miraculously touched then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to free Brian.
Today, Brian is founder and pastor of Chapel of Change Christian Fellowship, with the mission to give fresh hope to the world. Chapel of Change is one of the fastest growing churches in the nation with 4 locations within Los Angeles county: Long Beach, Carson, Paramount and Whittier.
Brian is also host of Fresh Hope Radio on Los Angeles' KKLA 99.5FM and author of, Young Man Arise!. "A great book for those searching for hope to rebuild their lives," according to Dr. Phil McGraw of the Dr. Phil Show.
His message of fresh hope impacts churches, conferences, universities and gatherings nationwide. He resides in Greater Los Angeles, CA with his wife, Laura, and three children, Nathaniel, Sarah and Sofia.

"In our worship gatherings, we need to move from motions to moments."
"I'm learning more and more that we desparately need the Holy Spirit amongst us."
"For male leaders, one of the tests of effective leadership is rather or not other men follow you."
"Your first responsibility as a citizen of God's Kingdom is to discern where your worship has been going and transfer it to the only One who deserves it - Jesus."
"God is making an end-time army out of broken people who have experienced His healing power."
"One the reasons why churches don't grow past 200 is because the pastor is trying to do everything."
"We need old school convictions with new school innovation."
"God is not just able to restore your life but He's willing."

The story of Young Man Arise! will give you a crystal picture of the amazing power of God's redemptive grace.

Pastor Dudley Rutherford,
Shepherd Church
A powerful story that impacts hearts and lives of all backgrounds.

Jeremy DeLeon, CEO
Progressive Scrap Metals, Inc.
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